How to use KentouShogiban


There are three views.

  • Playback View

  • Examine View

  • Free Edit View

You can switch these views by clicking the segue button on the very right on the toolbar.

Playback View

Playback View is just for playing back a game record. You can see this view when the App is launched or you paste a game record text to the App.

Examine View

Examine View is for examining the position of the game moving pieces by yourself. You can examine some various set of moves as branches writing notes. When you moved to this view from the Playback View, the position of the game on the Playback View is copied and it appears on the Examine View. You can save your examined moves and notes. By clicking the Checkmate button, you can check if there are some checkmate moves on the position.

Free Edit View

Free Edit View is for freely replacing pieces regardless of the Shogi rules. You can use this view when you want to reset the location of some pieces at once. Additionally, you can use this for making Shogi Problems. When you want to make the answer of the Shogi Problems, move on to the Examine View and register the answer moves and save it. If you save the position of a Shogi Problem on the Free Edit View with the Handicap option as “Composed Shogi Problem”, you can use filter option on the Saved Game List to distinguish Shogi Problems.

Appearance and Operations on the Playback View

the player of the move

Highlighted player is thinking.

the last moved piece

Highlighted piece is the last moved piece.

Consumed time

In case of the game record has consumed time for the each moves, it appears on the move list (if you turned on this option in the preferences). In case of it has only accumulated consumed time with the number of the move, it appears below the move of the move list. The highlight of the consumed time means the rate of the total consumed time. The higher rate, the deeper color.

format: (consumed time of the move)/(total consumed time)

Game information

By pressing the information button, you can see the information of the game.

Invert Board

By pressing the Invert Board button, you can see the board upside down.

Axis Labels

By clicking the top of the board or the most right of the board, you can toggle displaying the board coordinate axis labels.

Playback game records via the internet

While you playback the playing game record via the internet, for example, a public major title which is being played (not resigned yet), the game record is refreshed automatically at the interval you set in the preferences panel. If you would want to stop it, press the stop button appeared at the bottom of the window.

Playback Shared Game records

When you playback a Shared Game record, the comment button and the good! button appear at the bottom of the window. If you send a comment, it appears on the Shared Games list. The good! evaluation is also.

Playback a game record file on your Mac

When you drop the file you want to playback onto the board, it gets ready to playback.

Operations on the Examine View

Move a piece

Pick up the piece you want to move by clicking, then click the cell on the board or the piece stand.

Make a branch(variation of the moves)

Change to the position of the game, then press the Add Branch button.

Shift branches

The branch button appears at the right side of the move on the move list. By pressing it, the move list will shift the branch move. If there are some branches on a move, the popup menu will appear by pressing the branch button. You can choose the branch you want to shift on the menu. To go back to the previous branch, press the back branch button or select the branch you want to go back from the pull-down menu of the top of the move list.

Remove a branch

By pressing the remove branch button, the current displaying branch will be removed.

Note: All of the information on the Examine View is just a temporary data. If you want to save notes or moves, you should save the game record by pressing the save button.

Operations on the Free Edit View

Turn over a piece

There are three ways to turn over a piece.

  • Button: Click a piece, then press the turn over button.
  • Mouse: drag a piece up or down.
  • Swipe: swipe on a piece up or down by two fingers.

Rotate a piece

There are three ways to rotate a piece.

  • Button: Click a piece, then press the rotate button.
  • Mouse: drag a piece left or right.
  • Swipe: swipe on a piece left or right by two fingers.

Save Game

By pressing the save button, you can save the game. You can see the saved game on the Saved Game List.

Input items

Title The title of the game
Black The name of the black player
White The name of the white player
Start The start date time of the game (e.g. 2013/09/10 10:00)

The final result of the game

If you choose “pause”, the position will appear when you playback from the Saved Game List.


The Note for the game

It becomes the target of searches.

Operations on the Saved Games List


  • And search: words divided by white space

(e.g.)羽生 vs. 森内 of 名人戦 match:名人戦 羽生 森内

  • “!” for excluding string

(e.g.)羽生 vs. 森内 but not NHK match:!nhk 羽生 森内

  • designate the number of moves

(e.g.)less than 100 moves:m<100


By pressing the filter button and designate filters, it constrains the list of the games.


By double clicking the game or pressing the playback button, you can playback the game record.

Shared Games

Shared Games is for sharing game records with other users.

You can register the game record as a shared game by pressing the share button on the Saved Game List.


You can search game records by the same way as on the Saved Game List.

Public Games

You can playback game records published on the internet.

Note: You can only playback the game records exist on the site. Therefore you can NOT playback the games where they are removed from the site or the format of the site are changed.

Acceptable format

  • KIF format
  • KI2 format
  • CSA format

Export Game Record

You can export saved games. The formats are the below.

  • KIF format
  • CSA format

Note: Please note that the CSA format does NOT support notes or branches and the date and time information depends on the user’s input.